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Why Join?
The IPBES Global Assessment found that transformative change towards sustainability is likely to occur when initiatives tap into people’s existing values, providing new avenues for their expression in action, resulting in norm change. #UnleashValues picks up where the Assessment left off, working to empower people to voice their pro-sustainability visions and values, as well as their ideas for system change through a series of workshops.
#UnleashValues is based on the following beliefs
Youth have powerful voices for change and are especially vulnerable to this silencing effect. With support, they can be vocal about pro-sustainability values.
Sustainability can be more compelling when it stems from an individual’s own visions for the future.
The power of values is best harnessed if it feeds into strategic action, i.e., changing the rules and infrastructure that govern behaviours.
What constitutes strategic action can only be identified through engagement with a broad base of knowledge from multiple viewpoints.
The presence of apparently dominant values may cause people who hold divergent perspectives to be quiet about their values, resulting in a “silent majority.”
Participants are supported to design personal projects that express their values and visions (e.g., visual media, letters to government representatives, ‘hard conversations’, storytelling, or other formats) which can be shared across social media using #UnleashValues.
How can you help #UnleashValues?
Everyone has a role to play here. We have a group of young small planet heroes posting their visions for a better future & plans to realize those. But they need your support.
We're seeking intrepid defenders to help them on their journey, amplifying their visions and voices by liking, commenting, and sharing their posts.
Sound like you? Someone you know?
Follow us on to see the posts you can engage with!
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