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Lisa Ni
Dec 02, 2022
In #UnleashValues
We are Group 5 from ENVR430, and we had a blast on Wednesday with Ms. Connell's Grade 7 class. Thank you so much to the students for being so well-prepared and eager to learn! Here are the amazing envisioning posters that the students have created (and given permission to share): #UnleashValues
Lisa Ni
Dec 02, 2022
In #UnleashValues
As we come to the end of this term, I can't help but be amazed at how fast time has passed. I am so glad to have chosen this course and be a part of this learning journey with everyone! There were lots of ups and downs throughout the term. I was pleased to see innovations and new ways to save our planet, but more often saddened by the ugly sides of the Earth (plastic recycling, environmental racism, etc). I also learned that individual action alone was not enough - we have to find flaws in the system to create meaningful change. Everything week we learned content without the worry of memorizing every detail, which allowed us to focus on the stories, problems, and solutions and remember them for years. To me, I will not forget what I learned for a long time. In the end, I am going to envision a future, maybe one that's a little too idealistic, but I will say it anyways (maybe it;ll be set in a very distant future): I envision a future where people are not crowing over each other, where no one competes over natural resources. As such, people live in harmony with the Earth and take no more than what they need. There is a perfect, circular cycle between humans and nature. (In a way, I almost hope there are more rural populations and a much smaller population size. But I think that this change will take a long time to occur organically.) Thank you Kai and Dana for such a wonderful term! #UnleashValues
Lisa Ni
Nov 19, 2022
In #UnleashValues
I went analog since my iPad is at 6% now - enjoy :) #UnleashValues
Lisa Ni
Nov 04, 2022
In #UnleashValues
🎵 Life in plastic ✨ ✨ it's fantastic 🎵 "This is the dream of the future. Versatile. Durable. Practical.Cheap." The quote above was taken from the beginning of "Why Plastic? The Recycling Myth". In the beginning plastic was advertised as a wondrous substance capable of many things. It was extremely useful for its light weight and versatility (could be formed into diverse shapes). What's more, it could last for ages. I envision the future where the plastic dream is achieved. This is not to say that everything we see and touch are made of plastic; in this future we use plastic as something that benefits humanity and makes people's lives easier. The plastic we do use should not release endocrine disruptors easily. The reason why we shouldn't completely ban plastic is because they can be tremendously useful. In 1959, Mattel used soft vinyl (a form of plastic) to make the very first Barbie doll. --> I had a few Barbie dolls (4-5), and they made up a considerable portion of my childhood. I'm sure this is the same for many of you who are reading this post. I'm thankful that my dolls are plastic because they will not rot like wood or rust like iron. They will probably still be the same by the time I die. Thanks to plastic, my childhood memory is forever sealed and intact in my Barbie dolls. Plastic should not be viewed as a purely evil substance. While plastic pose risks of releasing endocrine disruptors, I believe we can achieve a balance by using improved plastics and limiting our consumption. We should use plastic in a way that maximizes their advantage - durability. Right now, we have too much of excessive plastic in packaging and utensils, which we should discard. But plastic products like Barbie dolls which are meant to last for a long time - they're okay. Let's hold on to our Barbie doll plastic and blacklist the single-use plastic. (๑•̀ㅂ•́)و✧ #UnleashValues
Lisa Ni
Oct 28, 2022
In #UnleashValues
Vision: This week, I envision a future in which businesses are not a dominating force. Where there are no hidden actions and unexposed scandals deceiving consumers. Where government policies are not influenced by capitalistic forces. The stories we learned this week has taught me that businesses do not follow any ethic code, and will always take the course of maximum profit. Unless the entire planet is threatened and the situation is out of hand, I doubt these businesses will stop in their path of increasing shareholder values. There are far too few environmentally conscious corporations and in the far, far future, I hope there are fewer businesses in total such that we have as little conflicts of interest as possible (between the benefit of the business and the benefit of nature). Implementations: - Strong environmental laws should be enforced to require businesses to act transparently to ensure that there is no hidden actions going on behind the scenes. - More independent studies to avoid scandals like the VM case. - Advocate for the right things more often, and be more confrontational - this will drive direct action and systematic change #UnleashValues
Lisa Ni
Oct 21, 2022
In #UnleashValues
for people who haven't watched "The Lorax", O'Hare is a fictional character who owns a company that sells bottled oxygen in a future world. This week I want to start off by describing a vision of the future that I do not want to see: A dystopian future where all of civilization is reduced to a singular town, a walled city-state that is controlled under a monopoly company who sells air(?!) for a living, where all vegetation and plant life is artificial, where residents eat jellos instead of real food, a place that is oblivious to the outside world...The town of Thneedville became the state it is in because overproduction of Thneed has depleted (almost) every Truffula tree in the world, what is to say that our world won't follow its footsteps? Thneedville also has mass surveillance pretty much everywhere throughout the city, and newborn babies there are literally glowing a fluorescent yellow (search it up). It is the most accurate dystopian future that I don't really have trouble visualizing. We might very easily get to this future. TL;DR: I hope Thneedville does not become our reality. ↑ food jello! <----inside Thneedville outside Thneedville----> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I think that wildfires and air quality is a topic that has more personal urgency (i.e. your own house can be destroyed), but people might not have a clear idea of how they can contribute. There needs to be a large expansion of funds for wildfire expansion Advocate for prescribed burns and eliminate the public's perception that they're bad Allocate more grants and public awareness to groundbreaking research that explore new sources of energy that are solutions to air pollution Turn forest waste into revenue: if we responsibly remove dead trees and vegetation that make potential fire fuel, and turn them into paper, furniture, and other sources of renewable energy, we can improve ecological health while providing enough money to sustain this industry #UnleashValues
Lisa Ni
Oct 14, 2022
In #UnleashValues
In the past, I’ve come across fitness bloggers advocating for grass-fed beef because of its higher nutritional value, and while they’re not wrong, the negative effects of grass-fed beef seem to fairly outweigh its benefits. Compared to conventionally bred beef (which are already part of the harmful chain of animal agriculture), grass-fed beef have even higher greenhouse gas emissions and land use (as more forests must be cut down to make space for grazing). We saw really good examples of this in Cowspiracy, where the family farm of grazing cows are stating the humongous area that their cows are occupying like they don’t mean anything. In Cowspiracy, we also learned that the excessive North American diet takes up significantly more land than a vegan diet or mostly plant-based diet. In some aspects, the organic approach is the same: it benefits a select group of people who have the luxury of paying for costly organic produce at the sacrifice of taking up more land and emitting more methane. I think the notion of organic foods have been painted in an exaggerated manner, and their costly nature makes it more of a luxury for the elite instead of a commodity for the people. We shouldn’t be consuming these products if it comes at the expense of sacrificing precious land that we‘re losing so fast these days. For this week, I’m envisioning a future where the notion of “Organic” doesn’t exist. There wouldn’t be a difference between conventional or unconventional farming, because every crop would be farmed in the same sustainable way that feeds back into the land.In my envisioned future, Earth’s population size would have diminished, with every person well educated about the environmental costs of agriculture and a good system that is built on pillars of sustainability instead of profit. As such, the burden that our land will have to bear is much less, and it can support every organism in a well balanced circle of life. We can act on a daily basis to help. Since the state of the environment should be everyone’s priority, I believe we should choose our groceries in a way that limits the negative effects on our land. We can act specifically by: doing more research to find out which organic produce takes up the most land supporting farms that are doing more polycultures lower consumption of products that use an excessive amount of land (ex. grass-fed beef) Individual action alone will not be enough. In order to bring about large-scale change, the incentives of the agricultural industry needs to change. Too many people choose annual crops because there aren’t enough loans or subsidies that would support them to farm perennial crops. #UnleashValues
Lisa Ni
Oct 07, 2022
In #UnleashValues
My biggest surprise from the readings this week is that people in developed countries take water for granted. It is a subconscious thing because our planet is surrounded with blue liquid, and we’ve been used to freely accessible water for all of our lives. Now, I feel that not giving water a price seems like a really unwise move - when people realize it’s true value, it will be too late for humanity. Today’s stories shared by Professor Chan showed us that governments and policy makers can influence environments to change in either direction, and push the fate of water towards sustainability or doom. Thus, it’s so crucial for decision-making authorities to take into account how to keep water accessible and clean and available to people. I also think that documentaries like the Brave Blue World are i because due to Netflix wide reach, there will be more people that learn about the current situation of water and become aware of ways they can start conserving. To me, the documentary acts as an advertisement for the technologies because they’re making themselves seen by the viewers, which might include potential sponsors; they’re promoting their product to every person who watch this documentary. I envision a future where the drinking water supply in never depleted, not because we’ve found an aquifer so large it could sustain millions of generations, but because every person understands the value of water and takes constant action to conserve their use. In order to achieve that, we must make people feel the pressure or fear of not having water. Cape Town’s Day Zero being postponed is the best example that we can all learn from. Propaganda is necessary to spread this across humanity and make as many people as possible see that if we take collective action, the most dire situations can be saved. Governments should consider environmental issues like water availability as a constant priority, but that doesn’t mean that individuals can be lavish and wasteful when it comes to water! Here are some methods that I think everyone (you too!) can start adopting today: 1. If it’s yellow, let it mellow; if it’s brown, flush it down (this is a phrase that I’m borrowing from a retreat; the indoor toilets are only flushed after you 💩) 2. Close the tap when you’re washing your hands with soap, and turn it back on when you’re going to rinse your hands 3. Take faster showers! (I had friends tell me they think about life when they shower, and that takes a loooooong time) 4. When it rains, save up some for watering your plants! If these are not that realistic, please let me know what your suggestions are in the comments!
Lisa Ni
Sep 24, 2022
In #UnleashValues
After watching the pre-readings, I realized that too many people are being displaced away from their land just because they do not hold enough power. In my vision for a just future, people who have ancestrally lived on a piece of land will have the right to continue to live with the land. There will be no division between anyone regardless of class or skin color because everyone and every culture is valuable. (Please correct me if this solution is unfeasible or impractical) To help eliminate the Procedural Dimension of Injustice, we can adopt councils as a new method of decision-making. This will allow us to include local or First Nations representatives so that every kind of voice is heard. I believe this is the most important dimension to tackle because once people start seeing a diversity of people taking part in decision-making, everyone will have a more equal position of power. Previously (even now), most people in the chairs of decision-making are Caucasian. This makes marginalized communities invisible because no one sees them on the media. By taking action in including more diversity in decision-making, we can equally distribute power to every group of people, and with the right allocation of power we can easily fix the recognitional and distributional dimensions too. I believe that in a utopian future where racism and discrimination are eradicated, my vision will easily come into reality. #UnleashValues
Lisa Ni
Sep 16, 2022
In #UnleashValues
If I could pretend I was the Creator and craft a more positive future, I would imagine a future that has a lower carbon emission through minimizing the unnecessary wastes in our lives. Every household would hold on to pre-existing plastic bags and reuse them until they break, or even use fabric shopping bags. People would have significantly smaller wardrobes, and keep wearing garments for longer. If they would reuse broken clothing for cleaning rags, that's even better. I hope everyone would cook their own food instead of eating out, to nurture both their own health and the environment's health. For people who don't already own cars, they would bike or walk, or take buses for modes of transport. Even those who drive already can carshare to reduce carbon emissions. Not only does it help achieve carbon-neutrality, we would also help people emerge from a previous materialistic lifestyle that's damaging to their well-being. Basically, these are the pillars to my minimalist utopia: zero-waste minimalist fashion 80% at home eating, 20% restaurants more bikes and public transit #unleashvalues
Lisa Ni
Sep 15, 2022
In Member Introductions
Hi! I'm a 4th year biology student taking ENVR 430 at UBC and I am so eager to learn how to accelerate profound change towards sustainability while grounding in my beliefs and aspirations for the future. I am feeling a little anxious but more excited to learn how to create sustainable solutions! I hope that I can bring my previous technical knowledge to foster real change in this course! #UnleashValues
Lisa Ni
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