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The CoSphere Blog

Shrinking the Juggernaut of the Human Enterprise
LP2: Techno-fixes aren't enough. We must reduce total resource consumption, including waste and population growth—differently across regions

Three Spheres of Influence for Change
Fighting for the future by asserting ourselves in three spheres of influence: Private, Social-signalling, and System-Changing actions.

Unleashing Values through CoSphere
Together we can unleash values consistent with sustainability, through these four lessons.

11 Fronts in the Fight for Sustainability: Introducing the Levers and Leverage Points
This blog series unpacks transformative change by examining the levers and leverage points that are key to a sustainable future.

Planetary Crisis: Lack of Concern or Inability to Act?
LP3: People care, but you don’t always see it in their actions. We need to unleash our values of planetary responsibility. Here’s how.

Why Reforming Incentives Is Key for Sustainability
L1: Shifting perverse subsidies and incentives towards environmental responsibility enables the economy to produce solutions, not problems.

The Myth of the Good Life: Realizing Both Happiness and Sustainability
LP1: What we think of as a good life drives our economy, policy, and social lives. It has to change for sustainable futures to be possible.
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