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The CoSphere Blog

Increasing our Potential: Sharing Knowledge
Promoting the value of education, knowledge generation, and sharing will enable a greater potential for conservation and sustainable use.

The Power of Innovation and Investment
LP7: Shift investments away from detrimental technologies and to those with a net-positive impact on society and the environment.

Lobbying, Astroturfing, and The Revolving Door
Not all corporate influence is through political financing, learn more about other methods of swaying politicians.

Out of Sight Out of Mind: The Unseen Costs of Production and Consumption
LP6: Understanding and limiting the external environmental effects caused by irresponsible production, consumption, and economic activities.

Money and Politics: Part 2
How unregulated money is exploited to allow for extensive influence over campaigns and politicians.

Paving the Way for Meaningful Inclusion
LP5: We need environmental justice and meaningful inclusion in decision making to build a sustainable and just future.

Out with the Old and in with the New
L2: Reforming the existing systems of management to reflect the problems of today.

Towards Sustainable Rule of Law
L3: Strengthening domestic rule of law to protect people and the environment while paving the way for a more sustainably-governed society

Equality, Equity, and the Environment
LP4: Understanding the interconnectedness of social and environmental issues while reducing inequities in income, race, and gender.

Money and Politics: Part 1
How regulated campaign financing influences elections and disproportionately benefits the wealthy, harming the sustainability movement.
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