Vision: We envision the youth as empowered and taking action, demanding policy reforms that usher us into a future with environmental sustainability.
Obstacle: Some of us lack knowledge of environmental issues, many of us lack knowledge of what to do about issues, and even more of us lack confidence in taking action and making a difference.
Solution: Change begins with informing yourself on current issues and connecting with your community to take action. It can be as simple as writing a letter to government officials to as big as participating in a protest - regardless, change can occur at any and every level.
A Current Issue You Can Take Action On: Almost 90% of global subsidies for agriculture are promoting or sustaining harmful farming practices. The problem is not insufficient funds, but not utilizing those funds for attaining sustainability goals. Reforms to Canadian crop insurance can allow us to keep supporting farmers economically AND improve environmental sustainability by promoting beneficial farming practices on a large scale.
Get informed! You can be a part of this change!