Despite it being an essential component of our survival, water is a resource that is taken for granted in developed countries. In most other countries, it becomes an exceedingly valuable resource given its scarcity and use in basically everything. Thus, I believe that everyone should have access to clean and easily attainable water. I envision a world where all people will not have to fight over or be forced to pay for water, or worry about contracting horrific diseases and parasites that could cripple or kill from contaminated water. Furthermore, the vision having clean water everywhere would play a role in the preservation of biodiversity as having clean water would help to protect species that heavily depend on good water or general environmental quality. Given that water quality is inequal in different places and varies based on the socioeconomic status of the residents, the restriction of clean and accessible water to demographics of high status is a severe case of injustice that needs to be addressed. I believe that in order to make my vision closer to reality, we need to educate people on the importance of water and inform them on the inequality found in clean water distribution. Through education, more people would understand the gravity of not having clean and accessible. This in turn will help increase support for movements that fight for equality in water distribution.

Not only do we have access to water filtration systems, but we also have access to wastewater treament plants such as the one at Iona Beach Regional Park as depicted above. Imagine the difficulty of acquiring clean water in places that lack such infrastructure or the resources for consistently maintaining such infrastructure. Credit: Metro Vancouver. Accessed on October 6, 2023, from