The issues regarding unsustainable agriculture and climate crises is a complex adaptive system. There isn't one intervention that will work to completely fix the issue of climate crises or tackle sustainable agricultural practices however I believe we can take small steps to improve agricultural practices and the health of our planet.
I value sustainable practices of crop and food production that could promote a healthy planet.
I envision a world in which the current agricultural practices contributing to the climate crises are reduced. Actions and interventions I think would be quite helpful include those that I've seen in this week's pre-readings: such as in the documentary, Kiss the Ground, there were interventions that involved valuing soil to sequester carbon which could combat climate change. These solutions include less usage of pesticides (combat soil erosion) as well as regenerative farming by using cover crops for example. Another intervention from lecture I thought would be quite helpful would be to encourage the use of biological control agents - such as using ladybugs as natural control agents to prevent aphids from infesting and eating away at crops. I think these interventions can be pushed through campaigns and inventive programs by the government that provide subsidies for these - such as ones that provide the biological control agents for farmers so that they use less pesticides and providing cover crops, etc. I think in the long run these solutions would be beneficial because it was mentioned in lecture that its inherently unstable to continue using pesticides and chemicals as ecosystems will continue to find ways to adapt and thwart them. So why not invest money into using biological control agents and regenerative farming instead of into continuing to produce harmful chemicals that would only work for a small amount of time before you have to go back into the lab and spend more money into researching and developing more pesticides? These should be funded by the government to encourage farmers with the money to start these sustainable practices as well as into research on solutions and methods on sustainable farming and I think future generations should be provided with this knowledge in schools on what sustainability in agriculture looks like as well.
Hello, really interesting post. Lots of information to take in! I really liked the ideas and interventions, in paricular; valuing soil to sequester carbon which could combat climate change.