I believe that while ecosystem service models are not a cure-all, a better appreciation of the wealth of benefits we receive from ecosystems is necessary (at the very least, since the intrinsic value of nature is hard to comprehend). To this end, with specific reference to water, I envision a progressive pricing system for all water consumption. This would provide all income groups with cheap access to amounts of water that they require to meet their basic needs, while exacting very high charges on corporations that consume vast quantities of water, which they often discharge untreated. In between these ends of the water consumption spectrum, wealthy individuals may be dissuaded from constructing water features and other monuments to vanity that waste potable water. Increased government revenue from these charges could be spent on repairing infrastructure, and investing in promising water purification technologies. Better valuation of water could also open up corporations or even governments to liability for pollution, since class action lawsuits would have a clear legal basis for a certain minimum amount of damages (making it more challenging for powerful institutions to dismiss or delay cases).
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Hi Sumant, I also agree that we need to appreciate the benefits we get from the environment a lot more than we do currently. I think a progressive pricing system for water usage would be a good way to highlight the value of water and would help reduce water wasting.
I really like the idea of taxing water and the progressive pricing of water as it is more feasable and doable for governments.
Very interesting points you brought up. This idea of taxing the companies seems like a very feasible option. I believe there has to be some repercussion to wasting water and water overconsumption. We need to start holding big companies accountable and this needs to start now!
I totally agree. The amount of water that is polluted with nitrogen, phosphorous, and pesticide runoff from industrial scale farms that flows into the environment as waste water is immense, and must be regulated. At the same time, individual communities continue to experience water insecurity. Progressive pricing could help lower the gap and also more communities water security, and also incentivize corporations to be more strategic with the amount of water they use.