I strongly believe that a future with reduced plastic via our circular economy's original vision/intention of recycling waste can be corrected if it is made enough of a priority by influential figures. The corruption of power, organized crime and sustained production of virgin plastics can be attributed to the deceitful behaviour posed by conglomerates that greenwash their consumers and this needs to be changed. Interventions could be along the lines of implementing sizeable punishment for deceitful actors and behaviours aforementioned, along with the abolishment/banning of non-recyclable plastic and for companies to phase out non-compostable plastics from packaging. #unleashvalues #cosphereproject
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Hi Anna,
I think that your concept and the idea of phasing out non-compostable plastics from packaging is crucial for promoting eco-friendly alternatives. Also as noted, holding corporations accountable and enforcing such interventions, we can restore the vision you have of recycling waste and protect the environment from further harm.
Hi Anna, I agree that having legal deterrents for deceitful practices could potentially suppress their prevalence. Could you provide some potential examples of punishments? On the other hand, do you think that rewarding transparency could be equally effective in reducing deceit?
Hi Anna! I completly agree about the need for accountability and that green-washing needs to stop. My question for you is what you think are the the first steps in rallying influential figures to prioritize recycling?
Hi Anna, I really like that you've called out influential figures in your post! The bottom line is that consumers can only consume what is given to them so change needs to start at the top.
Hi Anna! I agree that despite knowing the damage that plastics have on the environment, they are not being phased out fast enough. I found your suggested interventions super interesting and I hope we see a future where non-compostable plastics are completely banned
Him Anna, I totally agree with your ideas, systematic change is always hard to made from a bottom up approach as we individually have far less influentials power, but if influencial figures could act as models, it is much easier for the interventions to enact in real place.
Hi Anna Chou, I agree investing in a circular economy is necessary such that plastics do not pose as much to the environment and the livelihood of all beings that occupy it. Perhaps increasing producer responsibility could also assist in your vision for a circular economy.