We are slowly generating a social trend to become "environmental heroes" by choosing organic food and going vegan. This practice is helpful to a certain degree, however, we shouldn't establish that as THE ENVIRONMENTAL SOLUTION since this mindset could create more opportunities for large-scale unsustainable monoculture practices which in turn is becoming more oriented toward unnecessary luxury food markets instead of benefiting our planet.
I value equality with regard to food accessibility and food quality for everyone. I envision people of various income levels and backgrounds having fair access to abundant and nutritious food and not feeling vulnerable about environmental guilt for choosing conventional agriculture because of budget limitations. I will keep in mind the complex and adaptive aspect of our system and inform myself of the local sustainable agriculture system implementation through the B.C. Sustainable Agriculture Strategic Framework below. (https://www2.gov.bc.ca/assets/gov/farming-natural-resources-and-industry/agriculture-and-seafood/regenerative-agriculture/regen_and_agritech_strategic_framework.pdf)

Image source: canva