I envision a future world where more companies are transparent with their supply chain in an effort to use more environmentally friendly practices. If consumers care about the environment, then they should purchase from good actors, while also understanding the hardships of meeting such environmental groups. If buyers continue to support and understand the efforts of good companies that are risking being the target, then more companies will be willing to change to more ecologically friendly practices (knowing that there will be hiccups, but people will still support them).
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I really like this post and the emphasis on the importance of the role the buyers play in supporitng businesses.
To follow up: perhaps sharing more info about good actors to people you know (and then supporting good actors with your wallet with money that would have otherwise gone to bad actors) can garner positive publicity for those businesses. If more businesses see more positive publicity and support, more companies will be willing to be leaders.
I think you're right that a lot of companies are too risk-averse to make meaningful commitments toward transparency. It's definitely the responsibility of consumers to use their demand to signal support of good actors, to whatever extent they can.