I believe that fast fashion and materialistic objects are displacing the important values when it comes to "stuff", the focus is now being set on impressing others and showing a sense of status/wealth without taking into account the negative effects produced by the companies that are selling these products. I think that the focus should be set on buying products that are built to last and are more ethical in order to reduce some of the negative effects of fast fashion. In the future, a perfect world would be one that has moved away from the fast fashion trend and where consumers value usability and sustainability over status. I want to take a step toward this ideal world by buying products that are long-lasting and by supporting companies that emphasize more sustainable/ethical methods of production.
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Hi Gunkaar! I completely agree with your point, the focus is so set status these days. I wonder what people would actually buy if the only opinion they had to go off was their own.
What's the point of impressing others, if it's leading to the downfall of everyone in the end? I agree with your point that we should consider the negative effects of producing the fashion products, and I think you said it perfectly --"usability and sustainability over status"
Hi Gunkaar, I think you make a lot of great points on the reality of fast fashion, I am curious how consummers can feel trusted with the brands they are buying from. Many big corporations have excellent marketing and may often be easy to entrust. For you personally how will you be going about determining a companies ethicacy?
Hi Gunkaar,
I completely agree with you on this topic; I think fast fashion is one of the biggest negative contributers to our environment. Not only is it unethical to produce, it is also so unsustainable, and all of it just for following fashion trends that quickly disappear. We should all definitely start purchasing more locally and sustainably.
I agree with your perspective. In general, this view can be applied to many industries and not just fashion. For example the tech industry and the "need" to upgrade products even before there are any problems with the product's function.
The unfortunate reality about having a society focused so much on status/prestige is that it takes away the focus we have on the climate crisis in favour of trends that will last for less than a year. Why impress others when both ourselves and these "others" might not even be on this planet in the near future?
I agree with your views on fast fashion. Coveting materialistic goods to elevate one's own status does nothing but exacerbate the obstacles that stand in the way of attaining a more sustainable way of life. If people cannot stop obsessing over fashion, then hopefully we can one day make sustainable and long-lasting clothing replace the current trend and become the new fashion.
Hi Gunkaar! I love your take on fast fashion. I agree that as consumers, we should be purchasing things to last rather than for a quick trend. It is also worrying how many brands that seem sustainable are still fast fashion!
Hi Gunkaar! I totally agree with you, nowadays society is so set in buying the "newest" version of things such as, new iphones, new shoes, lastest trend on clothes. But do we "really" need that? Is it just going to make us "happy"? How does buying that effect the earth? I think these are the questions that we need to ask ourselves before making a purchase.
One of the concerning things about fast fashion is that many people do not realize how destructive it is when they buy such goods. Especially when these companies bend the truth and advertise their merchandise as "sustainable".
I have the same thought as you that we should focus more on longer lifetimes/ sustanability of products instead of brand. Luxury clothes are ten times more expansive than normal ones but they usually are not comfortable to wear.
I love the "usability and sustainability over status" - it is a wonderful way to reframe social narratives around consumption.
Great vision! I love your idea of a world were people value usability and sustainability over status. These features in products definitely should be emphasized over status.
I like how plausible your intervention is since it's something everyone can do!
I totally agree :) It's nice to see so many people have the same visions!