Ever been on the fence about deciding whether or not to buy something? I know I have.
In recent years I have tried to consume clothes and things mindfully. But what does that really mean? "Trying" to be mindful sounds like a rather vague value or philosophy to have around consumption. Now I'm not about to whip out SMART goals, but I think a snazzy catchphrase may actually help: if it’s not a “hell yes” it’s a “no” - adopt it, practice it, and share it.
I am in the process of reframing how I think about costs. If I see something inexpensive that is pOtEnTiaLlY uSeFuL and purchase it, but hardly/don't use it, donate/recycle it, then I am not paying for the object appropriately. Rather, I force the Earth and other people to pay off the debt of my wasted purchase.
Let's move forward, challenge views of Fast Fashion and overconsumption and... try to be mindful😜
I think you bring up a great point that we need to be more conscious about not wasting products so that other people do not have to pay off the debt of your wasted purchase. I think this involves more than just thinking short-term (i.e. when will I use this product? How will I use it?, etc.), but also involves some long-term planning (i.e. is this product worth purchasing based on how well it can function over long periods of time? Will the product become obsolete in the near future?, etc.).
Very snappy and very true. I totally agree that you should think twice about buying something new and actually consider its use. Another point that really helps me with consuming less: If there is the choice of one product that might have a higher longevity but is more expensive than I try to calculate the "per use value". If you buy some sturdy shoes that will last for 5 years, calculate how much it'll actually cost your for every day that you wear those shoes. The higher price will be cheaper overall than if you buy low quality shoes that only last a couple of months even though they could be cheaper initially.
Hi Inez, I love your post! I have always fallen victim to sales and the "buy 1 get 1 free" signs and ended up purchasing many things just because of the cheap deals (even though I didn't go to the mall/store to buy that item in the first place). Due to this I've spent money on many clothing items as well as other things that eventually I would have to throw or give away. I too will keep in mind your catchphrase "if it's not a hell yes it's a hell no" as I go about my day-to-day life!
To be honest, I initially adopted this mantra into my life for fashion purposes on my quest to becoming a more conscious consumer. Eventually, I found it creeping into the other aspects of my life and it's been incredibly helpful!! Whether you're looking at thrifting a new shirt, going on a date with someone, applying for a job, if it's not a hell yes then it's not worth spending your time and energy on something that isn't going to be truly fulfilling.
Honestly, this is really a philosophy that everyone should adopt. I'd also like to add on that we should start boycotting the idea of black Friday or boxing day. Those are just excuses for people to waste their money on things they do not need.
This is such an important point to bring up. I too find myself falling victim to buying things because they are on sale. We can think of it as not only helping the world around us, but also saving us money too. It's a win/win
Great point! Have to look back to myself that there were many things I bought only for their "PoTEnTiaL UsE", and at the end I just generated more waste and also wasted more money. Will definitely keep this "if it's not a 'hell yes', it's a 'no' " idea in mind next time, thanks Inez!
I love your outlook on this!! I will definitely be using this mindset of "if it's not a HELL YES! it's a no" while out at shopping.
I think it's so important to look at things from the lens when you mentioned how wasted purchases force the Earth and other people to pay off your debt
I love this! Honestly your catchphrase "if it’s not a “hell yes” it’s a “no”" is so true especially when it comes to consuming products and making mindful decisions of what exactly it is that we are buying!
Yes! definitely mindful! I like your phrase "pOtEnTiaLlY uSeFuL"~
Great point! So much about the female identity is built on consumerism because we are targeted so much, sometimes I tell myself I need to buy a cute dress because it's going to look good on the gram 😭. We can make choices outside of how we want people to view us as trendy and focus on buying clothing that doesn't result in children entering the workforce early so I can look cute for an Instagram post. I think trying to emulate something we see online is so normalized that these aesthetics get remixed and blended up so much by algorithms that it feels like the quick fad apsect of the clothing devalues it.
This is a simple but effective exercise that has worked for me in the past.
I love this! I will definitely be using this catch phrase moving forward to help me make more sustainable choices!
This is actually really helpful for me in being more aware of what I buy HAHA not only is it short and easy to remember, this also can bring awareness to the problems we have with sustainability! I'm excited to see what "if it’s not a “hell yes” it’s a “no”" can become :)
Awesome post!
Wow so slay! I fully agree with everything you said. So silly, funny, goofy. 😝