This week we learned about the importance of water. Honestly, I always kept the importance in the back of my mind, but I never really acted on it or specifically changed the way I lived. However, I do believe that having clean water is a basic human right and the fact that first-world countries neglect the importance of having access to clean water and sanitization. We often get lost in our own worlds and focus on problems such as careers and relationships, but forget that other countries are literally fighting to survive. To follow up with that idea, I envision a world where everyone is conscious of their daily activities and how privileged we all are to live in water-accessible areas of the world. I also would like to add that I envision a world that has access to all types of food - not restricted by water availability. I believe that one way we can reach this vision is to have a day similar to Truth & Reconciliation, where we must reduce our water consumption. If Cape Town can essentially cut down their water usage by half within a few days, I believe that any country is capable of this as well. Just a day out of every month when we all reduce our daily water usage, we can potentially share this water with third-world countries. In total, the monthly water savings can allow people around the world to have their basic human rights.
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