I believe that everyone's voices should be heard and those who are and will be impacted by projects in the community should have more say in the decision-making process.
I envision a world where everyone's voices are heard and environmental issues are properly addressed and action is taken more quickly. Underrepresented and marginalized people's voices can be heard through monthly community meeting where issues in the community are discussed and more urgent problems can be addressed in more detail and taken up to the government. Also, there would be leaders in the community that can bring up issues up to those with more power in the government, without having any type of bias filter out certain issues, or corporations influence decisions made. Those in the community will also have a bigger role in helping solve problems, where they will have a part in projects addressing issues. In addition, there will be prioritization of using money from the community to help with the environmental issues, rather than on events. Also, in this world, actions would be immediately and efficiently taken when problems arise, needing no time extensions, but rather being able to come up with solutions before the due dates. Raw waste is not released into the environment and is filtered and modified in everyway possible to eliminate toxins from making their way into food sources. Also, water sources would be tested regularly to ensure everyone has safe and clean drinking water and everyone will be provided with clean water.
I truly appreciated how specific you were for each vision you had in mind. Leveraging issues in communities up to government bodies would be a great step to implement starting impactful changes/ raising awareness on the topic of water sustainability.
Hi Jinny! I really like your ideas and vision for the future! I think those solutions would be quite effective.
Hi Jinny! I really like your vision for the future and I absolutely agree that everyone should be given a platform to share their voice and their opinions!
Hi Jinny, you're totally right in that community members should be involved in the decision-making process, I think having monthly community meetings would be a great way to kickstart it! And testing water sources regularly is a very plausible way to make sure communities have access to clean resources, and I don't think it's too costly to do either. Better to catch it early on rather than later :)
I agree! It is so important to hear the voices of community members when starting projects. They know their community best!
Hi Jinny, I love your envision, which is so meaningful. If every community can do that, our world may have a huge change, and the environment around us will rapidly change and improve. If we meet another problem, we can try to solve it and provide solutions efficiently.
Hi Jinny, I totally agree with you on the importance of having representative in the government to bring up issues. Also, people need to collaborate and increase their influence in order to let their voice get heard.
Hi Jinny, I really love your envision which is so ideal. I hope that we can live in such a world. Through watching this week's video, I know that the water shortage is a severe question that we are facing and I never consider it as a question before. If the water quality testing technology in your article puts into use, we can purify seawater on a large scale, and we won't have to face the problem of death in the future. Hope that the future world will be like what you describe.
I read an article with the exact same point of view as yours. That article talks about the outdated top-bottom approach to governance, and suggests that the bottom-up approach is more effective and realistic. If you haven't read the article, I really strongly suggest you do, I think google scholar should be able to search it!!!
I totally agree with the value you've described, about listening to everyone's voices! Can you describe the scale/size of community you are thinking about for a monthly meeting? I'm a bit confused there.
I like the idea of monthly community meeting where underrepresented and marginalized people will come together to voice their opinions on matter. This would establish the idea of empathy and connectiveness in our community to allow others to understand what it feels like in another person's "shoes."