Forest fires have been so devastating these few years that so many people are losing their homes and having to evacuate their cities. This makes me really sad to think about as I can’t imagine having to move out of my home and Vancouver due to forest fires. On top of that, if forest fires are close enough, there is a big chance that my home can burn up along with the nearby forests — thereby no possibility of returning home. It almost gets me angry that if this does happen to me and my city, the cause isn’t even due to me or my community, but others around the world who still don’t care about the environment. The unfairness of global climate change is that whatever you do doesn’t necessarily affect yourself, but affects other lives and the potential destruction of homes. Thus, I believe that a positive future is where forest fires are less devastating and less frequent. I envision a world where everyone can breathe clean air and enough rainfall for farmers to grow crops. My solution is to locate very dry areas and provide more water to these areas to reduce the fuel of potential fires. Preparing in advance can help prevent these devastating fires from taking over cities and most importantly, people’s homes.
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Hey, I agree with the idea that dry areas have a greater risk for wildfires, but how would it be feasible to provide water to these areas when the vast majority of BC is forests? It would be tough to implement.
Hi H, although water could potentially reduce the risk of fire by reducing the viability of fuel, how would this water be supplied, especially in regions experiencing drought?
Where would the water come from? Is it possible that watering forests in one place would make other forests dry in other places?
Hello, I understand the struggles and unfairness for those people who experienced hardships with forest fires. We can definitely need to reflect on our actions, especially those who neglected rules and safety because this fire issue is concerning lives and homes of many communities. We need to implement ways to monitor and penalized misbehaviours so that the general public can be more mindful and think before they do.
Hi H! I understand your perspective and totally agree! With regard to your solution of providing water to dry areas, how do you envision the logistics of it?
Thanks for sharing how the damaging impacts of the environment can be very unfair. We definitely need more preparation to protect communities from the fire itself and the lingering smoke. Thanks for also mentioning wanting enough rainfall for farmers - the dryness leading to wildfires is often forgotten.
Hi, I think it would be a potential approach to provide more water for dry places to reduce fuel and burning possibility. However, it might be more emergency to provide water to people living there to ensure their water security and suffer less from being lack of water.
As a result, we might turn to other approaches without using too much water, such as keep monitoring, use controlled burning methods to prevent fire that grow into an uncontrolled situation and bring huge damage to the local community.
Hi H, I think many people resonate with your feelings of anger about the unfairness of the effects of climate change and how they are felt more intensely in some regions more than others. I often wonder if people in the east, who often experience more intense and more frequent hurricanes and storms due to climate change feel this way as well, or if they just assume that these extreme events happening more and more frequently are normal?
It is unfair that people who make climate change are mostly not the ones to be suffered.