When I first started this course, I honestly wasn't sure what to expect, as the course was completely structured differently than I was used to. I found that having no exams was really helpful as I didn't feel pressured to remember everything, which actually helped me remember more as I was more engaged in class and when watching the pre-lecture videos. The class exceeded my expectations and despite the depressing topics we discussed, I always felt like I was expanding both my knowledge and view of the world as I never really thought that deeply about many of the topics. Through this course, I have come to appreciate having access to things like clean water and I have become more attentive to items that have an impact on the environment, such as plastic. I hope to take the knowledge and experience from this class to share information about these environmental issues with others through different means, such as through hard conversations.
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I love your reflection! I feel like a lot of this resonates with how I feel after finishing the course too.
I totally agree with you. I have the same feeling that I can remember more about this course without a final exam. I think everyone is sad about these issues, but we all have the potential to make a difference and impact the world.