I personally believe that it is going to be extremely hard for people to move away from expensive and environmentally damaging materialistic things as long as they care about what society has to say. I envision a future where everyone has an understanding of how the things they consume affect the environment. I personally know that I do not want a diamond engagement ring, as not only are they extremely expensive and not feasible with the skyrocketing housing market, the impact they have on the Earth is just not worth it. However, I do know from experience that people especially family will look down upon getting an environment-friendly ring, as much of society views anything less than diamonds as a form of cheapness, rather than looking beyond that and seeing the small positive impact you are making towards a better future. Expensive items are not expressions of love, instead, they give you a false sense of luxury and belonging in society. I believe that one person or one initiative cannot change that devastating state our planet is in, it is going to take a little from everyone to achieve the positive future we envision.
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I couldn't agree more! Diamond is a symbol of human spiritual needs substitute! She has no physical meaning (maybe chemical meanings but definitely not about love!). Such strange traditional beliefs really should be properly corrected or eliminated.
Hi Gamen, it was lovely reading your post. Your positive attitude towards making small changes that are a step in the right direction to protecting our planet is refreshing to hear and instills hope in me with regards to the importance of our impact as individuals. Unfortunately, as humans it is in our nature to care about what others think. I hope that we will be able to deviate away from voices that do not align with our own values and welcome those challenge and push us to be better versions of ourselves.
I totally agree with your idea! I do hope people, also including myself, can pay more attention to the actual value and use of an object when buying it, and I also hope the idea of buying environmental-friendly items can be more trendy among the society so that less people would judge and buy things from the luxury point of view.
I really like that you mentioned how external criticisms can alter our choices on sustainability and saving our environment. I ruminate on the fact that i know my parents would judge and criticize the hell out of me if i did not buy my future wife a beautiful diamond ring. However, if we want to take a step in the right direction, a parents disapproval of something small (like the type of ring you are going to give your partner) is something that can be justified.
You're right about the view of anything less than diamonds as "cheapness." It's really sad that making changes is just not going to be valued the way it should be. I hope we can work to change society's mindset through education and our actions and work towards a better future, like you said!
I agree that moving away from materialism seems out of reach because of how engrained consumerism has become in our society. Although it may seem like a challenge, I'm hopeful that consumerism will become "uncool" amongst our generation. Hopefully initiatives like posting on social media for ENVR 430 this will help!!
I totally agree with your idea, the significance of some luxury goods may lie more in the psychological satisfaction of consumers than in the actual value of the objects, but unfortunately there is still a steady stream of consumers who pay for their vanity.
Yes!!!! expensive items do not equal love or happiness
It will definitely be a challenge getting people, especially the older generations to accept a new social norm such as expensive things are not a requirement to expressing love!
Very true! We really don’t need any expensive things. I was thinking in the middle of class that if we just remove money from all of the problems, we might actually have a sustainable world. Money is the root of all problems. Just imagine when we used to trade household items. You can only get something you want if you give something of your own. Therefore, we will never have the problem of overcomsumption.
Hi Gamen,
Great post and I agree that it is definitely hard to venture away from the materialistic societal beliefs many people carry.