I am enrolled in ENVR 430 at UBC and I have been looking forward to this class for a long time. I am a 5th year student in M.Sc. Environmental and Resource Economics from the University of Bonn and I'm doing my semester abroad here at UBC. While most of my courses back home concentrate quite narrowly minded on certain issues, I hope to learn more about our most pressing issues from different perspectives - a real interdisciplinary course. While I feel that many people want to pride themselves with interdisciplinarity, I think that we often tend to stick in the same thinking patterns and aren't really open to listen to others. Even with people that you don't agree with, don't vibe or totally dislike - I think you can learn something new and useful from any person, you just need to find which topic that is. I'm excited to learn more about #sustainability, efficiency of different processes and probably most interestingly, if efficiency is the best way to go and address our problems. Looking forward to an interesting semester here at #UnleashValues!
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