Climate change, has played an important role in increasing the chanses of wildfires.
My value is valuing fire as a natural and essential part of an ecosystem while understading the harms it can have, specially if it is made by human. My vision is for a future, where there is conservation of forests and preventing human made fires, and also where more innovative ways of stoping fires are in practice.
My intervention plan is to push governments to have more policies in place to support forest conservation and inceasing the number of protected areas, and restoration. There should be more funding, towards supporting innovative technologies and research regarding sustainable forestry practices and contoled fires. Also there should be more legal measures regarding people who start fires intentially. There could also be more education and awareness about fire management.
Hi Matin!
I really like how you mentioned both the good and bad about the role fire has in our ecosystem, since we often forget that burning fires, like prescribed burning, is actually beneficial for our ecosystem. I also really like your intervention plan which involves targeting the government to be more accountable. Legal measures such as fines should definitely be more strictly enforced as there are so many forest fires every year that could have been avoided but were due to careless actions.
Hi! I agree that fire is an essential part of our lives yet hold the power to harm just as much. Bigger powers such as the government should be using money and power to ensure that the good aspects of fire are kept while the harmful effects are controlled.
Hi Matin, thank you for sharing your thoughts! I also envision a future where more resources are allocated to preventative action. Many parks and forests are protected and certainly we can stand to protect more but I worry that putting a policy or bylaw might not protect the forests from fires caused by climate change effects. I think your idea of funding innovating new ways or research about new conservation methods and more sustainable forestry practices is definitely the way to go. I hope someone listens! Thank you again!
Hi Matin,
Thanks for sharing! You mentioned that we should make an effort to raise awareness about fire management. I think that in addition to spreading awareness, it is also important to encourage sources who are currently contributing to misinformation to produce content that shows the full picture.
I totally agree, education awareness on the benefit of fire to the ecosystem should also be touch on. I think by pushing our governement to create more policies regarding forest conservation to protect these area is a great way to start protecting our nature.
Hey Matin! I think the way you highlighted the impact climate change has on fires is so important..... it's a step to helping citizens realize that their actions do have consequences !