Value: I believe that climate change is really bad. There are many negative effects that are already seen, and they will continue to get worse. I value the protection and preservation of biodiversity and the natural world. I value access to clean water, nutritious food and a safe place to live. I value collective behavior that demonstrates respect to ourselves, the planet, and the other beings on the earth.
Vision: My vision is that social change will happen whereby society values and rewards the choices that are best for the earth as a collective. We care for each other more than we care for money or success. We are willing to forgo “comforts” and things in favor of authentic experience. In this vision we live collaboratively and not competitively with each other, and respect the earth as our home.
Intervention: Policy changes could limit individual accumulation of wealth. They could ban industry that is destructive to the environment, and reward groups that chose the most sustainable path. Ecological ethics could be taught at a young age, so that people could build a vocabulary and perspective that allows the earth to be seen as a living being worthy of our protection, not a resource for our exploitation. There are many more interventions that could be discussed.