Last October, I started calorie counting. It helped me realize how many meat, cheese, and other animal-based products I consumed every day. I wasn't able to keep up the habitat, and eventually stopped counting the following January.
This summer, I moved away for the first time and started grocery shopping for myself. I was able to buy healthier food, and wasn't as tempted to buy many of the sugary treats my parents usually purchase. As a result, I lost quite a few pounds.
Since I have moved back with my parents, I've started to develop the same unhealthy eating habits. Today, I am committing to start calorie counting and buying my own groceries again. I envision a world in which every individual finds their own way towards becoming more sustainable, while also achieving personal goals (e.g. health and fitness). I also value honesty. Change starts with vulnerability and honesty. Through this commitment, I hope to motivate others to do the same.
It's great to hear that you are being more aware and achieving goals for yourself, especially as a student we tend to neglect healthy lifestyle choices in turn for cheap alternatives. Reading your journey, I also relate especially when comparing between school verse summer diets. One thing I would suggest to continue your health journey and keeping it continuous, what has helped me is, instead of counting calories or restricting yourself to a strict diet, especially with abrupt changes right away, I'd slowly make adjustments to daily habits. For example, instead of using butter, use olive oil. Or instead of eat meat such as steak, only buy chicken. Then once you create these adjustments into habits it may be easier to continue in the long run.