Last October, I started calorie counting. It helped me realize how many meat, cheese, and other animal-based products I consumed every day. I wasn't able to keep up the habitat, and eventually stopped counting the following January.
This summer, I moved away for the first time and started grocery shopping for myself. I was able to buy healthier food, and wasn't as tempted to buy many of the sugary treats my parents usually purchase. As a result, I lost quite a few pounds.
Since I have moved back with my parents, I've started to develop the same unhealthy eating habits. Today, I am committing to start calorie counting and buying my own groceries again. I envision a world in which every individual finds their own way towards becoming more sustainable, while also achieving personal goals (e.g. health and fitness). I also value honesty. Change starts with vulnerability and honesty. Through this commitment, I hope to motivate others to do the same.
I like your phrase that changes starts with vulnerability and honesty. We often only start changing when things are worst changes must be made. I would not hope that we make change as this way with our environment. It is very important we start changing form ourselves with little things, I will also start tracking my eating habit just to make little contribution.