Snowshoeing and maintaining safe distances during Covid lockdown...
You know how much automobile and heavy cargo transportation costs us in terms of material, logistical, human time & effort consumption? When greenhouse gases go unexploited as a harnessable natural energy source and carbon monoxide is emitted in the air, we have to cope with the potential harms of climatic warming. We've been told about potential flooding due to rising sea levels, for example. We've been told about weather disturbances potentially causing serious habitat destruction.
A sign of good health here in Vancouver Canada is the snowline being visible throughout the summer; a warning sign for all of us, when there is no snow in the North Shore mountains throughout the summer season, we are in for low water reservoir levels and more chlorine (causing poorer water quality).
When we minimize our carbon footprint and find alternative transportation solutions (seeking solutions beyond driver only daily commutes - like carpooling solutions and carpooling apps), we make way for valuable water sources to last throughout the summers without drying up.
We are so fortunate here in Vancouver Canada to enjoy a very high standard for water quality. Tap water is all we need, for most water purposes, because our tap water is the "glacier sourced champagne" of water supplies!
Let's find ways to reduce our carbon footprint and lower our impact when we look for transportation solutions! This also means reducing our dependency on industrial processes that have significant environmental impacts, such as mining and petroleum fuel and plastics industries.
So, let's welcome winter and the winter snowfalls! Let's welcome the rain for our rainforest climate! These are the reasons why we enjoy such a high quality water supply!
I agree, water is so important. It might not seem like carpooling and snowfall are connected at first, but really everything is connected in this system of earth. We have to make good choices to ensure healthy drinking water for generations to come