This week I’m taking a more abstract view of the problem. Many times we are focused on one problem at a time. For example, lowering carbon emissions through buying and using electric vehicles. However, as many of my classmates presented, there are more levels after that fact, such as the resources used for production and the areas needed for the increase in electric vehicle usage. To me, we can’t just be tackling problems with the focus of one issue, we need to focus on the problem as a whole and do it TOGETHER. No more “the government should do this” or “it’s the consumer's fault”. We have to love each other and try our best to be sustainable. Therefore, I envision a world where everyone on Earth can be fundamentally rooted in love ethics - it’s us against the problem. I want to start a movement to just love each other and be more understanding of each other. We can’t keep pushing the problem onto other people. It’s time to work together. #UnleashValues
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