My vision of the future is one of Unity of Humanity in Diversity through a focus on shared values and respectful regard and consideration for others' differences; others' needs. Even if we have our differences at times, Care (CARITAS) & Charity for one another, forgiveness for each others' fallibility or short-comings (My late Dad used to say, "two wrongs don't make a right") and Stewardship of this Gem of a Planet Earth and Care for Ourselves, Our Families, Our friends, Our neighbours, Our Interesting & Lovely Creatures, Our Health and Happiness....through an eclectic approach to studying all that is lovely and good. My "religion" is simply "PROLIFE" or that which affirms LIFE! How can you argue with an embryology textbook About When Life Begins?
It's not easy to change a consumerist's perspective on the values we've been socialized to embrace as signs of social status and symbols of ease, prosperity, wealth, and comforts' happiness. For example, I have a neighbour who likes to own multiple pairs of the same style of shoes & multiple watches that they can change each day & wear something different each day for three weeks before they would "rotate their collection" and wear again their personal expressions of joy and comfort in wealth and prosperity". Some people are innocent, unknowing, unsuspecting, or simple or a combination of all of the afore mentioned. Who wants to send thunder and rain and dark clouds to bloom someday into something that might be more in keeping and in harmony with nature and our future generations of children and their fellow creatures? Ever notice how children are consoled with stuffie animals and video games to make up for the distances that lie between us and the "Garden of Eden"?
But if you take the time to search and explore, you just might find that you might experience "Garden of Eden" moments even in your own "backyard" and beyond.....
Once, I thought I saw an injured hummingbird on our front deck at my parents' place in Nanaimo. I approached slowly to avoid scaring it away; I crouched down on my shins and knees close to the hummingbird. Unsure of my intentions, it flew away about 9 inches from me. I waited for about 5 minutes before I reached out my hand to pet the little tiny bird creature. I pet it for about 5 seconds of pure happiness, when suddenly a negative thought crossed my mind - it flew away sensing my dismay at having such a negative thought ruin such a precious moment.....

A Few of My Favourite Things: What I love about my hometown of Snuneymuxw (Nanaimo).....A City that prides itself on "Zero Waste" initiatives and a "landfill methane recapture" pilot project....hummingbirds and hummingbird feeders, dogs, cats, children, parks, beaches, and playgrounds!