After learning about how sea otters were reintroduced along the coast of Vancouver Island, there is an issue that I would like to speak about. While there have been some positives like the increase in kelp forests (which help other species) or the introduction of tourism which may be an economical benefit, I feel that there is still an issue of inclusion that should be properly addressed. There was a procedural injustice when it came to not consulting with the First Nations on whether the sea otters should be reintroduced. This injustice led to a lot of struggles in First Nation communities. Due to the decrease in sea urchins and shellfish, the First Nations were widely affected, both culturally and in their diet. I envision a future where we focus on ensuring that the people most affected by a change are the ones that have the biggest say in the decision. This is something the government should address. If the First Nations communities were originally included in this decision to reintroduce the sea otters, then regardless of what the decision is, at least an injustice could have been avoided; an injustice of not including First Nations in a decision that affects them the most. #UnleashValues
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