I believe in the vision of environmental justice for the indigenous community. This topic is not often spoken about, as we live in a city where we have access to clean water and fresh air. But what about those who do not have access to these essential elements? We, as human beings, often take things for granted because it’s human nature to us to have these things. That being said, the indigenous communities are the first to experience the direct effect of climate change that leads them to suffer from polluted air and non-potable water. THIS IS ENOUGH. We have done SO MUCH to hurt this community, by taking away their rights to their land, culture, their children and now it’s their right to fresh water and fresh air?! This doesn’t make sense....
My values for clean water and fresh air stand with the indigenous community. I believe by learning more about the first nation and actively educating others to do the same thing, eventually, we can create a union where indigenous are treated equally or with higher respect. I want to start a movement that encourages more discussion on this issue. This can be done by attending non-profit organizations that have the same values for the indigenous community, supporting small indigenous businesses and spreading the word about their rights. Ultimately, I envision a world where there is no more environmental injustice. You too, can join us and stand with the indigenous community 💚
I really resonated with your post! I can feel how angry and passionate you are about this topic and it's really powerful. I love your call to action and I'm excited to join you as I also strive to learn and do more to stand with indigenous communities.
Hi, I think it is crucial to do more for the indigenous communities. They should have not supposed to suffer from what they have been through. We need more people and more communities working for the indigenous rights and make their voice loud enough to affect the policy-making processes. Their concerns and thoughts should be well-considered and they have the right to decide what kind of life they would like to live on their own land.
Totally agree! Polluted water rises the percentage of cancer in indigenous communities, many people die with on choice, just because they live in their land and drink their water. It is unjust for them.
I love the passion in your post! It is really unthinkable that many Indigenous communities in Canada, who once had access to clean drinking water from natural sources, are now unable to drinking water safely. Although the government says they're committed to providing clean drinking water to all Indigenous communities, this basic human right clearly isn't a priority to them.
I agree the video for the week talking about the water pollution was really eye opening
Lending our voices to Indigenous causes is so important and will hopefully show the government that they deserve the same level of respect as others in this country!
Cindy! Your tone is effectively conveyed through the ideas in this post. You are absolutely right that this injustice makes no sense and it is s so frustrating that so little is being done to make it right or even attempt to! Really great words :)
hi Cindy! I love how you phrased everything, and I agree that educating yourself and others is a key step in this process.
I love your ideas about supporting Indigenous businesses and engaging with non-profit organizations! These are things that I had not initially associated with this, but they are great!
I love your passion here! It's clear to me that you understand the values of the simple things around us and what is essential to everyone. We should never take these things for granted. I also appreciate your examples of what we could do and I find those very helpful! I definitely believe in supporting indigenous businesses and their livelihoods. Thank you for sharing, Cindy!
Hey Cindy! I love your post and how we should stand with the indigenous community to bring justice to the environment. If these lands belonged to the indigenous community way before us, then why are we not taking their values into consideration?